Board of Directors

Paul Cunningham-President
Paul Cunningham of rural Pipestone is serving as our President. Paul has served 4 years. Paul leads our worship and prayer time at Noon on Tuesday and Thursday. He is also the one that comes around and checks on the maintenance of the building. Paul is our “jack of all trades” and helps us with anything we need. His full time job is Cunningham Telephone, setting up phone systems for businesses and individuals. Paul and Toni live on an acreage and have 3 married daughters and 6 grandchildren.

Ivan Vogel
Ivan Vogel of rural Chandler is our Vice-President and has served on the Board for over 12 years. He has a willing heart to serve and comes with a variety of gifts that benefits the board. Ivan is part owner of VIP Floral and Garden Center in Slayton. He is committed to meeting and helping with any construction we have here at ATLAS or emergency needs of a client. Ivan is married to Amy and have 2 children. We are so thankful for all Ivan and his family have done for ATLAS for so many years.

Lisa Hubers
Lisa Hubers of rural Pipestone has served as Board Member for 3 years. Lisa has an RN degree in nursing and is part time pastor in Jasper. Lisa and her husband, Bruce, are parents to 4 children and 6 grandchildren. Together they own a salvage yard and and used car dealership.
Lisa leads many Bible Studies and mentors many women. She is a gift to our staff as she prays for us regularly.
Lisa is very gifted in sharing God’s Word and praying with people.
Lisa is also active with with Omega Life Christian Ministries to share in the ministry of Jesus Christ through preaching, teaching, and prayer ministry. What a beautiful compliment as a prayer warrior, mentor, and board member at ATLAS! We appreciate her so much and her leadership.
Lisa leads many Bible Studies and mentors many women. She is a gift to our staff as she prays for us regularly.
Lisa is very gifted in sharing God’s Word and praying with people.
Lisa is also active with with Omega Life Christian Ministries to share in the ministry of Jesus Christ through preaching, teaching, and prayer ministry. What a beautiful compliment as a prayer warrior, mentor, and board member at ATLAS! We appreciate her so much and her leadership.
Jessie Vander Poel
We couldn't be more excited and grateful to welcome Jessie Vander Poel "on board" here at ATLAS for Life! God gave her a vision to begin Brave Mom's, which she led for over 6 years. Jessie has a heart for this ministry, and most importantly, a desire to serve the Lord in all she does!