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The communities in SW Minnesota have many resources to help individuals and families with social, economical, and physical needs. Please click on a tab that may be able to assist you:
God does not intend for us to carry emotions like shame, loneliness, doubt, anxiety, fear, depression, guilt or worthlessness. We can help you to understand the Truth in regards to each of these emotions, and the Truth of God’s overwhelming love and mercy towards you.
Our part at ATLAS is to walk alongside you as you take the steps you choose to overcome that struggle that looms before you. We will listen to you, encourage you, and pray with you. Our ministry verse is Ecclesiastes 4:9-10. “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”
Are you stressed? Put order in your life. If you are stressed about the circumstances in your life, we are here to help you meet your goals to be safe, to follow the rules and laws, and to find purpose. We will help you to find a job, learn a work ethic, learn punctuality, manage your time and secure a home. We will help you to make a budget, pay your bills, and learn to live within your means. This means learning to be responsible, and finding a way to be a help to others. This is a journey that helps you to put order in your life.
Are you alone? Restore Relationships with family and friends. We will help you make connections, develop communication skills. We will encourage you to make amends where you have hurt others, forgive those who have hurt you, and forgive yourself where you have failed. We will encourage you to attend a Christian church, to join in the worship and fellowship, and attend a small group or Bible study. This is a journey toward “community” that will build a supportive network of people who can encourage and uphold you.
Do you like yourself? Realize a healthy sense of self-worth. If you do not like yourself, we are here to help you recognize you are uniquely created, discover your talents, abilities, and skills, and learn to like yourself. We will help you understand who you are in Christ’s eyes and the position you have in Him, and know your own worth and dignity. We will help you take time for yourself, treat yourself as you would a friend, accept the way you look, and be self-confident. We teach you to take control of your life, care for your health, leave drug and drink, become dependable, assume your responsibilities, and set goals. This is a journey of becoming the person Christ meant you to be.
Are you going through a storm? Learn to know God and commit your way to Him. We will help you recognize your need for God, understand His faithfulness, and accept His sovereignty. We will help you take up the spiritual disciplines of Bible reading, prayer, devotions and journaling. You will learn who you are in Christ’s eyes, and what you have in His name as you commit your way to Him. As human beings, our primary purpose is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. This is your journey toward “spiritual intimacy” where you will discover you are dearly loved and that you have a special place to belong.
You are not alone. There is hope. We can start from where we are and make a new beginning, with Christ’s help and His strength. Call us at (507) 562-5777. We are here to help.
Where appropriate, we can help you make use of local resources. Our services are free to you. Others have sponsored this ministry so we can be here to help you. We can schedule a time to meet and talk with you. We will not judge you, and everything we discuss is confidential.
You are not alone. There is hope. We can start from where we are and make a new beginning, with Christ’s help and with His strength. Call us at (507) 562-5777. We are here to help.