Treehouse Ministry

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We are partnering with the nationwide TreeHouse organization to end hopelessness among our teenagers!  As teens are a vital part of our communities, our vision is to unleash untold potential within them!  When teens start believing what is true and possible, it changes everything!

We can’t change the circumstances that teens face or promise they won’t struggle or experience pain. But we can help them build resiliency and relationships that give them a solid footing and a transformed outlook.

TreeHouse creates a safe space for teens to belong. When teens come to TreeHouse, sometimes it’s the first time someone looks them in the eye and is happy to see them all week. At TreeHouse, teens know they will be loved, accepted, and supported— no matter what.

TreeHouse is a time proven, faith-based organization offering hope and guidance to teens dealing with life issues. All teens are welcome. We provide a safe environment and mentorship for them.
Transformation is possible! Built on proven models of effectiveness and based in Christian faith, TreeHouse leads teen to lasting transformation through a range of programs we’ve developed and honed over decades of hands-on experience. TreeHouse and ATLAS will provide support groups, mentoring one to one and then classes for Going Deeper.  The TreeHouse success rate speaks for itself  - 98% reduce at-risk behaviors, 81% build healthy relationships with God, self and others, 24 % more likely to graduate than their peers, and 93% pursue an educational or vocational track for their future. 
Treehouse meets at ATLAS at 6 p.m. each Tuesday for a free meal, a time of teaching, and support.

Do you know a teen you could tell about ATLAS and this program?  There are lots of ways to volunteer with the TreeHouse program: mentoring, providing some food, driving teens to ATLAS etc. Donate! This program will take finances so we ask for your help in that. Pray! We believe prayer makes things happen! We invite you to pray for our TreeHouse program and its teens and leaders. 

Bread of Life Ministry

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The Bread of Life Ministry holds a Devotion Gathering
on the 3rd Sunday each month.

Where: 12th floor of Nokomis Apartments (202 2nd Ave SW)  
Time:  6:30 p.m.
What: Meal, Music, Devotion

Anyone and Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.
Join us on Facebook:
Bread of Life Ministry Pipestone

Bread of Life, a ministry of ATLAS for Life, a non-profit, faith-based organization, began with a simple word, "yes." This yes was to God in December of 2017 and since then he has gracefully led each step of the way in making the vision of this ministry a reality. We aim to reach out to share the hope, love, and grace of Jesus Christ through building relationships and fellowship with one another.
The heart of this ministry stems from a deep desire to make all feel welcome, loved, worthy, and capable. If you have ever felt lonely, tired, afraid, unloved, unworthy, forgotten, rejected, ignored, or hopeless, you are in good company with us. Although each and every one of us experience feelings of not measuring up, we believe that our Creator, God, sees us as his dearly loved children, and only by His power can we learn to see ourselves as God sees us. Psalms 145:8-9 states, “The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and great in faithful love. The Lord is good to everyone, his compassion rests on all he has made.”
We exist to seek approval of God and not of man. Romans 12:2 says, “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” God has led us to go forth with a spirit of intentionality in seeking out and going to those who may be lost, hurting, and in need of God's love and grace in abundance. We desire to gather together as friends to share in food, fellowship, worship, prayer, music, and Scripture. We want to share our story and to hear yours. We hold tight to a vision of bringing together a community of people despite differences such as gender, age, race, denomination, socio-economic status, capabilities, or background. Instead of letting these differences divide us, let us embrace them and learn from and encourage one another.
We pray that we are good stewards of the time, money, and talents that we have been gifted by God and that we are glorifying Him in our thoughts, words, deeds, and actions. The blessings we bestow by serving God through serving others is considered great joy, a joy that can only be found in Jesus and that is burning inside of us to be shared with all people.

Brave Moms Gathering

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The Brave Mom's Ministry exists to acknowledge the blessing of motherhood while caring for the struggle of feeling alone. We believe in the strength and worth of a single mom and her dedication to her children. We believe in the validity and potential of the single parent family. We promote family well-being and positive parent-child relationships. We believe God, our Creator, is intentional with the creation of our children and the direction of His plan in that no person is a mistake and no life is wasted. We believe it is our duty to take care of the widowed and the orphan and this includes the single mom. We believe that God gave us this task of being a mom and that He will help us do it. We are made for community and are called to be the light of Jesus in a world pushing us away from that light.
We partner with ATLAS, a nonprofit, faith-based organization. We plan events to serve, educate, and minister to what we consider an ignored, but important population. We believe in stewarding our time, resources and money in a biblically sound way. We are advocates of single moms and their ability to parent effectively. We work to assist moms in finding support and friendship in our local community. We provide a safe, secure, free place for moms to find encouragement and inspiration from other moms. We pray for and guide them to find peace and joy in God's will for their life and their role as a mother. We minister through our own brokenness, believing that Christ is the one who saves, not us.

"The one who calls you is faithful, and He will do it." 1 Thessalonians 5:24

Brave Moms Group  A Bible Study, led by helpers, meets each Monday evening at ATLAS from 6:00 until 7:30 with child care provided. We also do informal get-togethers throughout the year at our homes. Kids come along to these outings. Examples of this are Christmas Party, barbecues, supper together, or at one such meeting knitting and crocheting were taught. Once a year we try to have a 6 week cooking class course. Basic cooking skills are introduced to encourage low cost, nutritious meals you can easily make. A Single Mom’s Retreat is encouraged in February. There are many other events or things done with the moms, as that is what living life together is about....being together. The goal of every point of contact is to love them, develop friendships, point them to the God and make supportive connections....all of this is done in the context of Jesus is the answer and reason for it all! Over the past 3.5 years we have had contact with over 50 moms. Right now we have about 30 moms involved in the Pipestone area.


Deb's House

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Deb’s House
Home for Single Moms and Her Children
Ministry of ATLAS FOR LIFE

“But I trust you, Oh Lord,
I say you are my God. 
My times are in Your hands.” 
 Ps 31:14-15a

317 6th Ave SE
Pipestone, Mn 56164

What is Deb’s House?
Deb’s House is a guest house available for single moms and her children.  The house is comprised of two apartments, one up and one downstairs. Each has a full bath, laundry, central air and a garage stall. Guests will reside rent free and utilities free for a year or so.  Money she would have spent toward rent, she will deposit in her own savings account, so when she leaves, she will have a financial buffer.  Together, as part of Brave Beginnings, we will design a program to help her solidify and accomplish her goals and make steps toward discovering her dreams.  As we walk alongside her on her journey,  we may help her:

Assure her home and family is safe
Deal with legal issues
Further her education
Learn parenting skills
Restore family relationships
Get out of debt
Find gainful employment
Bolster her self-esteem and confidence
Purchase transportation
Develop a friends and family support base
Choose a place to make her own home

Why “Deb’s” House?
It was the dream of our special friend and staff member at ATLAS FOR LIFE, Deb Spronk, to provide a home for women in crisis in our community.  After her tragic death in Prague, Czechoslovakia, moneys in her honor have been set aside toward the fulfillment of this dream.

ATLAS FOR LIFE is a Christian Ministry and as such will give our single moms an opportunity to understand the joy of knowing Jesus and will encourage her to join the Christian church of her choice.

If you already have a home, you are welcome to take part in our Brave Beginnings Program that gives you the same support we offer those who are guests in Deb’s House.
How can I apply to live here?

If you are interested in this program, contact ATLAS for an application.  Submit the application along with two references to ATLAS.  We don’t want you to be concerned about your past history.  We will be looking at your present mind set.  You will be called for an interview where the specifics of the arrangements and responsibilities  will be discussed in detail.  If you would like to bring a friend or family member to this interview, you are more than welcome to do so.  Our committee will look over the applications and prayerfully select those to whom we will offer the house.   Others who wish to be, will be put on a waiting list.

101 2ND St  NE
Pipestone, MN 56164

Brave Beginnings

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Brave Beginnings Program is a mentoring program for single moms, both those staying at Deb’s House and those who don’t.  This is a year long commitment by a single mom to meet weekly with her "mentor."  Together, as part of Brave Beginnings, we will design a program to help her solidify and accomplish her goals and make steps toward discovering her dreams.  As we walk alongside her on her journey,  we may help her:
Assure her home and family is safe
Deal with legal issues
Further her education
Learn parenting skills
Restore family relationships
Get out of debt
Find gainful employment
Bolster her self-esteem and confidence
Purchase transportation
Develop a friends and family support base
Choose a place to make her own home
The Brave Beginnings Program consists of 12 sessions of a video series "New Start for Single Moms", 13 sessions of "Alpha Course," a video series on the basics of the Christian faith, and 3-5 sessions of "Steps to Freedom in Christ."

Program Fee and Activity Awards
 Each month the participants agree to attend activities, perhaps 3-4 per week.   Activities could be church, meeting with ATLAS mentor, Brave Moms, education classes, Celebrate Recovery, etc.  At the end of the month, Atlas will award her $10 for every activity she attended, up to $160 per month.  At the end of the year, as she has completed the Brave Beginnings Program, she will receive the total of what she has earned as Activity Awards. This is an incentive to complete all courses.  This could add up to nearly $2000. A budget monitor will evaluate each girl’s budget, income and expenditures.  This is designed to help our participants to learn financial responsibility.

How can I apply?
All who wish to may participate in our Brave Beginnings Program.
Those interested may contact ATLAS for an application.  We are not so concerned with past history as we are at their present mind set.
We would like our single moms to understand how God sees them:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!  For I am the Lord your God,  The Holy One of Israel, your Savior;  Since you are precious in My sight,  Since you are honored and I love you,"   Isaiah 43:2-4

101 2ND St  NE
Pipestone, MN 56164

Transformational Prayer

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Anxiety, worry, fear, depression, hopelessness, helplessness, and bitterness are not emotions that God intends for us to carry.  Transformational Prayer is a system of prayer designed to help people identify the lies they hold that are causing them emotional pain and disrupting their walk with Christ.  It is an intentional, focused prayer leading to an authentic encounter with the presence of Christ, resulting in mind renewal and a subsequent transformed life.
 A typical session of Transformational Prayer is an hour and a half, with a facilitator and a prayer partner joining you during this confidential meeting.  Call (507)562-5777 for more information and to schedule an appointment.

Bible Study at ATLAS

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Are you looking for a place to connect?
 BIBLE STUDY at ATLAS is a place for men and women to connect to enjoy fellowship and a study of God's Word.
WOMEN: Tuesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. or Tuesday afternoons at 1:15 p.m.
MEN: Tuesday afternoons at 1:15 p.m. at ATLAS.
We invite you to join us!
Call 507.562.5777 with any questions.

Comfort Care

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Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Comfort Care is a ministry helping a family during the difficult time the passing of a loved one.  During visitation we are prepared to serve a meal at our facility for the extended family at no charge.

ATLAS For Life is a Christian based ministry of comfort.  We will offer a safe and welcoming environment for your immediate family to share a meal and fellowship before or after visitation.  ATLAS will provide, free of charge, a meal for up 50 people in our community room.

This is not to replace the role of your church, but to bless you with a private time together, free from the burden of preparation or clean up.

Call 507-227-7330 or 507-215-2144 for more information.

Jail Ministry

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Visit those in the in the Pipestone County Jail.
Two or three times weekly, a friendly face comes to visit those in jail with an encouraging word, a challenging insight, a welcome prayer.
As a consequence of their own choices, or sometimes as the result of others’ choices, young men and women find themselves housed in cold steel chambers that confine them.  At such a place, when one is at the end of himself or herself, he or she is at a place ready to know there still is hope, that all can be forgiven in a spiritual sense, that nothing can keep from him or her the absolute love of the one who paid his or her eternal debt.  Our Father says,” For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.  Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.  And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.  I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity.  Jeremiah 29:11-14   Many have never had anyone who encouraged them.  Thank you for praying for those in captivity.  Let us not grow weary in doing good.